This exhibition is part of a festival celebrating the 200th anniversary of JMW Turner’s visit to Masham, West Tanfield and Hackfall.
The show at the townhall, just off the square, will featuring work inspired by Turner and The Dales from myself and the following artists:
Mike Brown, Hester Cox, Louise Fletcher, Jo Garlick, Sarah Garforth, Gary Lawson, Jo Hunter, Jill Libby, James McGairy, Moira Metcalfe, Sue Orrey-Godden, Heather Ramskill, Pam Salter, Ian Simpson, David Tarn, Lindsey Thompson, Uredale Glass, Andrew Woodhouse
It should be a great show, it's only on for just over a week so get there if you can.
There are also other events going on including a concert and a film showing plus more, visit for more information.
Free entry